Absolutely thrilled to chat with Barbara Scott, founder of Reproflexology, a specific fertility reflexology protocol. We covered so much, I would take a seat, and really absorb this.
We chatted about Male factor issues in fertility and the sadly overlooked impact in todays fertility model. The podcast relating to the sperm decline can be found here
We chatted about the decline in sperm numbers and normal from. Sperm morphology relates to how well the sperm are formed. In the 1960's this was 80% normal forms, today 4% is considered the norm. So 96% of sperm are not of healthy form. So 4% of 30 million is perhaps OK, but 4% of 3 million, 15million, or even 100 million is not so great.
DNA fragmentation is not routinely tested. DNA fragmentation s a huge huge issue. The video regarding Made in Chelsea Actor, Ollie Locke who underwent the sperm comet test and was surprised at how poor the results are can be found here
Andrology is the study of sperm and detailed testing can be undertaken at Sheryl Homers clinic, Andrology Solutions, also Brian Woodward at X and Y Fertility
The examen clinic details regarding the DNA Frgamentaion can be found here
Research looked at 239 couples experiencing Unexplained fertility found that 80% had sperm DNA fragmentation, and this is not something tested unless you specifically seek it.
Additional testing, and more specific lifestyle changes are imperitive and should be taken on board. You can support for this:
A reproductive refloxologist can be found here
if you want to get in touch with Barbara or attend her clinic in Wales, you can find her here
If you would like to work with me, let's arrange a free 20 minute discovery call.
WE mentioned Fertilix and Proceed. There is an issue with availabliliy with Fertilix currently, but If you want to check out the DNA fragmentation risk factors, Fertilix do have a questionnaire you can fill in.
We also discussed how men are treated within the Fertility system and mentioned Fertility Fest, you can check it out here